Kitaria Fables


?Two Paws Are Better Than One?

Grab your player 2 and experience the entire Kitaria Fables campaign together!

Whether it’s local co-op or remote play via Steam, you can explore Kitaria and have double the fun! Fight formidable foes, share your loot and use the resources to build an inventory of skills and weapons.


Farm Together

Teamwork makes the dreamwork.

Keeping your plot of farmland in tip-top condition is even easier with a friend. Whilst you harvest the crops, your pawfect partner can start preparing the next batch to sell for Paw Pennies or turn into delicious meals!

Unlock new seeds, tend to your existing crops and build a farm to be the envy of your neighbours!


Fight Together

Double your firepower and protect your companion when you come across the dreaded Orc’s and other adorable but deadly enemies. Use the freedom of Kitaria Fables’ flexible combat system to compliment each other’s strength. Hit your enemies with brute force together or balance with range and close combat – The choice is yours.

Explore Together

Use 2 pairs of eyes and 4 paws to discover the varied regions of Kiraria! Spot potential resources that you might have missed the first time exploring, locate hidden areas that you never knew existed and keep a look our for enemies, you never know what’s hiding round the corner.

Who will you be playing Kitaria Fables with?
